Excise duty refund for commercial transport of goods and passengers

Commercial transport of goods

A beneficiary of excise duty refund (i.e. a person entitled to partial refund of excise duty on diesel used for commercial transport of goods) registered for commercial transport of goods, or his tax representative submits a request for excise duty refund on a form:  

Commercial transport of passengers

A beneficiary of excise duty refund (i.e. a person entitled to partial refund of excise duty on diesel used for commercial transport of passengers) registered for commercial transport of passengers, or his tax representative  submits a request for excise duty refund on a form:  

Additional information:

Each form must be submitted in person or by mail to the following addresses:
Područni carinski ured Zagreb (Regional customs office Zagreb)
Avenija Dubrovnik 11, 10 000 Zagreb
Republic of Croatia


Carinski ured Varaždin (Customs office Varaždin)
Ulica braće Krajanski 18, 42 000 Varaždin
Republic of Croatia

The cost of transfer of refundable amount to the bank account of beneficiary/tax representative in the other Member State will be made at the expense of beneficiary/tax representative.

Amounts of refund of excise duty by year:
Year HRK/l EUR/l
01.08. 2024. -    0,0761
01.08. 2023. - 31.07. 2024. - 0,0530
01.02. - 31.07. 2023. - 0,0230
01.01. - 31.01. 2023. - 0,0761
01.07. - 31.12. 2022. 0,1856 0,0246
01.04. - 30.06. 2022. 0,3856 0,0512
01.01. - 31.03. 2022. 0,5856 0,0777
2021. 0,5642 0,0749
2020. 0,6143 0,0815
2019. 0,6071 0,0806

Last update: 09.08.2024.

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