Celebration of accession of the republic of croatia to the european union

The accession of the Republic of Croatia to the European Union was marked ceremonially in the Central Office of the Customs Administration of the Republic of Croatia in Zagreb and on the Bregana border crossing. The accession to the European Union also represents the accession to the Customs Union, the single internal market with 500 million residents, becoming part of the common customs family responsible for the uniform and comprehensive application of common customs, trade and agricultural policies.

The accession negotiations that officially began in 2005, introduced the customs service of the Republic of Croatia to a demanding and complex process of modernising the customs system, the adoption of new and complex technologies, the harmonisation of customs legislation and treatment, as well as taking over new duties and obligations. By entering the Customs Union, the borders and customs control among member states have been abolished, and the role of the customs service on the common internal market is becoming increasingly significant and crucial for the proper functioning of the entire international transport of goods.

In cooperation with the business sector, numerous significant changes have been adopted in the business operations of the customs service, customs procedures have been modernised and simplified, and a synergy based on partnership between the customs service and the business sector has been established.

The Croatian Customs has taken over the duty of protecting the market, society and financial interests of both the Republic Of Croatia and the European Union. Also, the customs service has been entrusted with ensuring the safety of the legal transport of goods, supporting the competitiveness of the market and protecting it from disloyal and illegal trade.

The accession to the European Union and the takeover of these new duties by the Croatian Customs Service was ceremonially marked with the presence of high level guests from the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Slovenia, the Ministry for National Economy of Hungary, the European Commission, the World Customs Organisation, The Customs Service of the Republic of Slovenia and the National Tax and Customs Administration of Hungary.

Speeches were given by Mr. Linić, Minister of Finance of the Republic of Croatia, Mr. Čufer, Minister of Finance of the Republic of Slovenia, Mr. Varga, Minister for National Economy of Hungary, Mr. Zourek, Director-General of the Directorate-General for Taxation and the Customs Union of the European Commission and Mr. Grabar, Assistant Minister and Director General of the Customs Administration of the Republic of Croatia.

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