E-customs is a form of business transactions with which the Customs Administration ensures paperless environment for business to its users, via an electronic service. The basic characteristic and advantage of such a method of business is the authentic delivery of data, relevant for the application of customs business processes by electronic means.
In order to ensure such a method of business, the Customs Administration has created and ensured the following preconditions:
- application solutions that support e-business and that can be presented in the form e-services to users via public networks (the Internet)
- web service (G2B service) accessible online
- administration of e-Customs service users
- G2B client – auxiliary application on the user side, which enables the sending and receiving of messages, and their signing
- the use of digital certificates in accordance with the national Electronic Signature Act.
For the purposes of accessing the e-Customs services and the signing of documents/messages that are subject to electronic data interchange, the Customs Administration has decided to use digital certificates.
Personal data protection in NCTS, ECS and ICS systems
European Anti-Fraud office (OLAF) is using data from NCTS, ECS and ICS systems, managed by European Commission according to Regulation (EU) No 952/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 9 October 2013 laying down the Union Customs Code and stores the data into import, export and transit (IET- import/Export/Transit) databases. Mentioned data includes data about sender and recipient of the goods and they are usually related to companies, but they could be also related to physical persons. More information related to personal data handling, collected from OLAF is described in Privacy statement for import, export, transit directory (OLAF DPO 212) at following URL: